Friday, August 21, 2009

Donnerstag, den 6. August 2009

I have just had a hearty meal of baingan sabji, bread, rice and dal. Just watched a saccharine-sweet, romantic movie (video-film):; am a sucker for romance, and the movie was pretty good. This pianist-babe and this cook-dude who are thrown together by chance (she stays in the hotel where he is cook). She is already engaged, but ends up falling for him. He has just had his heart trampled over by his ex- who has invited him for her marriage to some other guy. She agrees to pose as his girlfriend for the day, and guess what, of course, they fall in love. If u didn’t guess this, u haven’t been watching many Hindi movies of late :D

She realizes she cannot break his (read engaged man’s) heart, so she breaks the cook’s instead and returns home. She has a concert for which she is not doing as well as she shud (coz u see, her true love is no longer around,) so enter Mom, she gets the cook for the concert. She sees him, and gives a great performance, at the end of which she hugs the engaged man (he is the conductor of the orchestra). Cook doesn’t like this obviously, I mean, “I didn’t travel all the way here, to see u kiss and hug another guy!!!” so, he walks out again (yes, again, coz that’s his thing, he walks out of the restaurant a couple of times, out of her life and now out of the concert-hall). Unaware that he’s gone, she goes back stage and breaks the engaged guys’ heart, he seemingly is OK with it. And returns on stage to not see him anywhere. So she goes a running out and calls out ‘Sebastian’….thankfully the concert hall was huge and has a grand entrance, so he’s still around making his way out. He hears his name, turns around, stops…. They both run towards each other, and ooooh, the violins are-a-playing, the stars-are-a-shining, and love is in the air, truly! The-End.

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